Professor Konstantin Korotkov and his team at the Technical University of St. Petersburg, for over 15 years, have studied biophysical Kirlian photography. The Kirlian photography can be summed up as an electrical excitation of gas spread on human skin that is manifested visually as a "Crown". GDV system/EPC (Gas Discharge Visualisation/Electro Photon Capture) is an important means of energy Diagnostics through a special digital camera. The camera transmits the information to the particular software that can transform them into information. These mathematical-physical calculations shall compile statistics that analyzed organic and functional status of the human organism. The same system can also analyze the energy of liquids such as water and minerals, plants, crystals and air.

This is the first tool that allows us to visualize the distribution of the human energy field, and make it easily reproducible, printable and, not least, obtainable at low cost. GDV technology can be summarized as follows: by means of a special electrode, creating a high intensity electrical field around an object, producing a burst of gas whose glow can be detected and measured.
Is a download which appears regardless of the type of object, and as a result of the experimental experience says that you can virtually be "shine" every object, including metals, stones, and plants; every biological organism change this glow according to its particular characteristics, leading to changes in brightness, in size and color.
The download reveals information not registrable with other methodologies, information you can detect even the smallest change. Factors that contribute to forming the glow emitted by the object are the electrical properties, such as emission characteristics of the object, the evaporation of gas, the exchange of energy with the environment. Any attempt to link the phenomenon to other factors such as the only perspiration or conductivity, following in-depth analysis, proved to be inaccurate.
The method also reveals the complex reactions of an organism to different influences, such as medication, food, the environment, etc. Since 1998 the camera and GDV software are known worldwide. In Russia and Belarus, the Ministry of health has acknowledged the GDV technology and is used officially in several hospitals both for diagnosis and for checking the status of therapies. Also many scientific institutions and experts in conventional and alternative medicine by Australia, Britain, Finland, India, Germany, Mexico, Peru, USA and Russia benefit from the advantages of this technology. In two years you have deployed hundreds of equipment. GDV technology programs are being developed in the medical and sports with the consent of the Russian Ministry of health. Russian medical universities and research centers participating in the programme. The GDV room is ready for use in minutes after installation. The software included is of great help for processing and image analysis. Despite this, it requires a little practice and experience to read health information that are encoded in our bio-energetic field. GDV Italy Room experts are available for any clarification, information, meeting or collaboration.