The gdv Chamber of Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov is a scientifically recognized machinery used to:

1 psycho-emotional state analysis and psychological potential of each person
2 analysis of the energy system and individual organs
3 analysis of the level of health and stress levels
4 monitor the effect of: meditations, exercises, devices, treatments
5 assess the effects of homeopathic treatments and energy therapies
6 study hours available for the patient to receive care and treatment

Gdv test consists of two parts, the first that gives us the emotional picture of the person, the second gives the physical state of the same.

NB: the physical condition of the person is strongly influenced by his emotional state and his lifestyle (nutrition, the environment, etc.)

As we will see in two graphs, one of Mr. Mario and the other of Mrs. Anna shows that in about two months the physical condition of the organs within the correct parameters represented by the blue circle. In the case of Mr. Mario red line indicates the initial analysis, while the green line indicates the analysis done after sleeping for two months on bio-device Mami. In the graph of Mrs. Anna the analysis done first is represented by the blue line while the later by the Brown line.

N.B. The tests were performed with and without the use of bio-device

The Test number 1 run without the bio-device has the following features:

Emotional energy 21276
Physical energy 24506

The subject has a physical and emotional energy level below average to be balanced.

The minimum value that corresponds to 25000.

Legend X graph:
* inside the yellow – organ on Hyperfunction
* inside the Green: balanced body
* inside the rose – organ on hypofunction


Emotional detailed chart

Every organ is connected to our brain, any information that comes from individual organs has a meaning on an emotional level (see table for details about emotional meanings attached to the end)

Left brain hemisphere, CONSCIOUS PART, shows the following messages:
Mammary lymph nodes, rectum, Kidneys and neck area in Hyperfunction . The person tested is experiencing stress in certain areas of his life and is trying to fight back.

Right hemisphere, the UNCONSCIOUS SIDE, manifested the following signals:
Kidneys, liver, gallbladder, sacred, hypothalamus and Appendix in Hyperfunction. The person tested is experiencing stress and is trying to fight back.


Physical Chart

Organs on the left side Liver, Mammary, pituitary glands, ganglia urino genital, sacred in Hyperfunction. Emotional stress was registered by the Department which for not getting sick is producing more power.

Organs right side Kidneys, sacred, urino genital, cervical, bladder, Hyperfunction. Emotional stress was registered by the Department which for not getting sick is producing more power.

When we speak of Hyperfunction emotionally we mean that emotionally, we are experiencing a stressful situation that needs attention, each organ is related to a specific emotional meaning. If not resolved, by switching to Hyperfunction or hypofunction emotional lives a high stress, difficult to manage.

If this stress is not handled by EMOTIONAL changes to physical being (first PHYSICAL then Hyperfunction hypofunction) and once in hypofunction organ called upon you "sick" in a more or less serious depending on the type of stress, this is to notify the person who must resolve immediately what creates discomfort.

TEST NUMBER 2 RUN IN October 2015

The test was conducted in the same room at the same time, with similar conditions, the only variations are the use of Mattress for ABOUT TWO MONTHS after the first test and clearly the emotional situation of the person.


Emotional energy 14963: much lower THAN the FIRST TEST
Physical energy lower THAN the FIRST TEST 20625
The subject in question has an emotional and physical energy lower than the first test.


Emotional chart

Left Hemisphere, CONSCIOUS
Chest, urino genital, kidneys, cardiovascular, spleen, lumbar, throat, kidneys, sacred in HYPOFUNCTION.
The subject has lived a stress for too long or very strong for a short time.

Right hemisphere, UNCONSCIOUS PART
Chest, urino genital, kidneys, cardiovascular, lower back, throat, kidney, liver, colon, sacred + immune system, nervous system HYPOFUNCTION.
The subject has lived a stress for too long or very strong for a short time.

Physical chart

Organs on the left side

Organs right side


Consideration # 1: physical condition improved after using the device from 23/07 to 07/10

Consideration # 2: Despite an emotional departure condition worse than the first test, then a lower energy level than in the first test, the subject shows a BETTER FISCIO level BODIES and not only that, every physical organ that in normal situations follows on the heels of emotional ones is in the area of "green" chart (physical).

  1. The emotional component affects the physical condition of the person for a very high percentage (bibliography: Every symptom a message of dott.ssa Claudia Rainville)

The bio-device used to protect a physical improvement of examinees in the presence of an emotional state not in balance, we recommend the use of bio-device always and for a perfect sanitizing Bio energetic and Emotional Rebalancing of the subjects work.